I have been having troubles with my keggerator lately. The worst came about when the tap stuck slightly open, and about half a keg dripped its way onto the floor overnight. Yuck. And such a waste...
I was intending to experiment with hoses or tubing or some sort of ugly, floppy lashup to get the plug adapter connected to the business end of the sprayer. If you choose one of the larger sprayers with the hose and wand, you're halfway there.
But fortunately in my case, the plastic tip of the sprayer, minus the actual spray head itself, was a tight fit for the flare end of the adapter. So I carefully screwed the adapter onto the end of the nozzle itself, cutting threads in the plastic as I went.
This wasn't quite enough to stop leaks, so I removed the adapter, schlocked a little silicone glue (the aquarium type, which doesn't have mildewcide in it. If you have some actual food-grade silicone, all the better) onto the plastic and replaced the adapter, being careful not to strip the newly-made threads. Let that glue dry.
When done, put the Liquid Plug on and away you go! Charge the sprayer with your favorite cleaner (I use OxyClean, as it looks the same as Powdered Brewery Wash, but way cheaper), pump up the pressure, hook up the Liquid Disconnect from your keggerator, press the sprayer button and tap enough cleaner to get the grunge out of those lines!